In response to whether he thought Bitcoin could get past a $100,000 before the end of the year, Gronager stated: As far as the CEO is concerned, most cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, which are regarded as more stable, are on a steady upward trajectory, and they can sometimes rise quicker than other cryptos. 

Crypto still in a bull market

Currently, a lot of exciting things are being developed, which facilitates a new bull market; therefore, Gronager believes we’re still in a bull market. When asked about what is currently driving the price of the market, Gronager responded.

El Salvador’s Bitcoin adoption

Questioned about some of the opposition and skepticism showed towards the governmental law, Gronager believes that this is typical opposition in a country and is thus not overly concerned about that replying: According to a recent university study, most Salvadorans dislike Bitcoin despite President Nayib Bukele’s efforts to promote it on social media.  On August 30, the government of El Salvador published the first-ever Bitcoin commercial created by a government in order to promote the new law. As a result, the Central American country will be the first in the world to accept Bitcoin as legal money, and it will circulate alongside the U.S. dollar as the nation’s official currency. [coinbase]