Moreover, the important part is that you can find a person’s location in several ways using Facebook Messenger, as explained in this post. Tracking someone’s location on Facebook Messenger may seem impossible when you have never tried it. The good thing is that this post has described three ways and the steps involved in tracking a person’s location on Facebook Messenger. If that is what you have been looking for a long time, let’s dive in!

3 Ways How You Can Track Someone’s Location on Facebook Messenger

Facebook has added several features to the application, making some functions possible. A functionality that many users are not aware of is location tracking with Facebook Messenger. Facebook Messenger has numerous features like location sharing, hashtags, and friends nearby, making it easy to track a person’s location on the platform. If you have never tried the methods, check how to achieve them with the steps in this section.

Use Location Sharing Feature

Location sharing is one of the methods used to find a person’s location on Facebook Messenger. The feature is available on all Facebook Messenger full versions except for Messenger Lite. Thus, provided you have Facebook Messenger and have created an account, ask the other party to enable location sharing on their device, as indicated below. Location sharing is the easiest way to find a person’s location, but it works when all parties are allowed to use the share location feature. This means that as much as you can track a person’s location, they can also see your location.

Use Hashtags

Hashtag is an alternative method of finding a person’s location on Facebook Messenger. But, this method has a limitation because if the person you want to track has not posted something, you might not know their location. You will get a redirection to Google Maps indicating where the other person was when they posted their story on Facebook Messenger. It is important to note that the location may not be accurate because they may be in transit, meaning their location has changed.

Use the Nearby Friends Feature

The last method you can try when tracking a person’s location on Facebook Messenger is using the friends nearby feature. The feature is easy to use, but like location sharing, they must have enabled it for you to locate them. Once a user has turned the feature on, other Facebook users can easily track their location. But before we start, it’s important to note that some people might not have this feature.


Tracking your loved ones’ location has been made possible using Facebook Messenger. If you have a child who you which to keep an eye on, the guide has explained three methods you can choose from to achieve your aim.

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