It could be you want to show your prowess to your friends or share a concept with your Facebook audience. Whatever the case, recording clips on your Xbox One and sharing them with your social media accounts is something most users look forward to. Can you share your Xbox One clips on Facebook? We will cover all details about capturing and sharing Xbox One clips on Facebook step-by-step. We will also address people’s questions about sharing the Xbox One clips on social media accounts.
How To Capture Xbox One Clips
Before we share the gaming clips, we need to understand how we can capture the clips in the first place. To capture a screenshot or video, you must use the controller’s “Share” button. It is the middle button that appears like a rectangle that has an arrow pointing up. To capture a screenshot, locate the share button, press it, and release it. If you want to capture a clip, ensure you press the share button and hold it and only release it when you are done recording your clip. You will see a notification on your screen confirming that you’ve captured either a screenshot or video. Another notification will pop up to confirm that the captured video or screenshot has been uploaded to your Xbox Live. You can access it in your capture gallery even when using another device.
How to Share Xbox One Clips on Facebook
Your Xbox Live has a storage size of 10 GB, which is enough to store a couple of your captures. If you captured your clip using the steps in the above section, we could share the clip by accessing the gallery and selecting the option to share it on Facebook. The below steps will guide you: Bingo! Your Xbox One clip is now shared on your Facebook timeline, and your audience can view the clip like a regular video you shared on Facebook. This method of sharing your Xbox One clip via your mobile app is straightforward, and anyone can easily follow along.
The Xbox One consoles have plenty of fantastic games that can keep you glued to them all day. When you want to share the fun experience, you can capture a video clip and share it on Facebook. We’ve seen the steps to follow to capture your video clip and share it on your Facebook. Follow along and share your Xbox One clips with your Facebook audience.