Omniex has been operational since 2018. It provides an institutional-grade investment and trading platform that is precisely developed for digital assets and cryptos. On its part, SIX said that this partnership would provide its clients with a gateway to crypto exchanges and over-the-counter (OTC) market makers globally. Hence, users will have access to new business opportunities.


SIX is currently building SIX Digital Exchange (SDX). These moves show that the exchange is continually positioning itself at the forefront of the cryptocurrency revolution. For now, SDX promises to the world’s first end-to-end exchange for digital assets when it launches. The head of securities and exchanges at SIX, Thomas Zeeb, said that the firm had seen a growing need in the market to access different cryptocurrencies. He added: The collaboration with Omniex to offer the front end for clients is an essential addition to the digital ecosystem. Once completed, the SDX platform will offer services both for the existing cryptos, and in the future, it will support SDX-listed assets. More institutional investors are joining the promising crypto industry. This indicates that the sector is maturity and will soon be ready to enter the mainstream global economic scene.