However, the mission dubbed “DOGE-1 Mission to the Moon” is reportedly still on course, with individuals close to the matter acknowledging there have been delays. Indeed, space reporter Michael Sheetz, through a tweet on June 29, stated that the mission is slated for later this year noting that the likely date will be December 2022.  In 2021, Musk, as part of his support for Dogecoin (DOGE), revealed that SpaceX would be unveiling the Dogecoin-themed lunar mission in 2022. The mission is a partnership with Unizen, ZenX Labs, and energy tech firm Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC). 

Lunar mission’s delay 

According to Sheetz, the mission’s progress was confirmed by Sam Reid, the CEO of Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC), who noted that the Intuitive Machines are dictating the mission’s progress.  While announcing the news after his appearance on Saturday Night Live, Musk stated that Dogecoin would become the first cryptocurrency used in space. For the mission, participants can book rooms funded entirely by Dogecoin. Initially, the mission was set for the first quarter of 2022, with Musk promising to put Dogecoin “on the literal moon.” 

Musk’s continued support for DOGE

The space mission announcement partly contributed to the meme cryptocurrency’s meteoric rise in 2021. Despite the recent market correction, Musk has affirmed that he continues to support the token by accumulating more of it.  However, Musk’s involvement in DOGE has stirred controversy after he was sued alongside SpaceX and Tesla for $258 billion. In the lawsuit by an American citizen, Musk is accused of pumping Dogecoin while alleging that the billionaire was involved in a racketeering scheme in supporting the coin.  In the wake of the space mission confirmation, Dogecoin has recorded a short-term rally despite the general crypto market correction. DOGE has made over 2% trading gains trading at $0.06 by press time.