The instant messaging service enjoys a lead over all other brands featured in the online 2020 Rankings obtaining a score of 62%. The top-ten list is based mainly on YouGov’s Recommend scores. The scores represent the percentage of a brand’s customers who would readily recommend it to a colleague or friend. Every brand in these rankings has a minimum sample of 100. Moreover, all brands have been tracked for over 12 months, with all aggregated scores rounded to a single decimal place.

How Others Performed

The free web browser, Opera, which recently acquired Estonian banking technology startup came in at a distant second with a score of 55%. Notably, the brand unveiled its Reborn 3 desktop product in 2019 to general approval and widespread customer satisfaction. Two other web browsers also featured in the top-ten list: Firefox scored 53% and came in fifth while Google Chrome came ninth with a score of 49%. Interestingly, three Google/Alphabet family brands featured in the top ten. They include the aforementioned Chrome browser; Google Photos occupied the fourth spot with a score of 54% while YouTube came tenth scoring 49%.